Peri-Implantitis Care & Treatment in London

Dental implants offer a progressive, highly durable option for those who wish to have missing teeth replaced. The titanium plugs that replace the root of the patient’s damaged or extracted natural tooth support the porcelain crown, its tooth-replicating component. If these aren’t properly cared for, inflammation can occur in the form of peri-implantitis.

What is Peri-Implantitis?

Peri-implantitis is a localised infection which often results from improper patient care. Though post-procedure inflammation is rare, it can present itself if oral hygiene isn’t adequately practised. Much like periodontitis, if left untreated, peri-implantitis can lead to damage of tooth-supporting structures and potentially, failure of the dental implant.

Risk Factors of Peri-Implantitis

Knowing what peri-implantitis is, along with the risk factors of developing infection is essential for all implant patients. At the Marylebone Implant Centre, our clinicians will inform you of how to minimise the chances of inflammation occurring around the treatment area. Besides failing to ensure a strict oral hygiene routine, risk factors of peri-implantitis include:

  • Smoking.
  • A history of periodontitis.
  • A weakened immune system.
  • Bruxism (tooth grinding).
  • Diabetes.

During consultation, patients are asked to provide detailed information on their medical history, which will cover their susceptibility to implant-related complications. Follow-up appointments are very important, acting as a key preventative measure.

Peri-Implantitis Symptoms

The process of infection begins with the accumulation of bacteria around the implant. Initially, the affected patient may experience some oral discomfort. This typically includes minor swelling near the implant area, along with general sensitivity around the mouth.

If you have recently had dental implants placed, and are experiencing any of the above issues, please contact us today. In severe cases of peri-implantitis, further tests, including x-ray imaging could show loss of bone around the implant and the breakdown of the patient’s jawline.

At this stage, also known as peri-implantitis mucositis, the infection is reversible with improved oral hygiene. Otherwise, patient condition can progress into peri-implantitis, with the following symptoms a common sign:

  • Red appearance of gums.
  • Bleeding of the gums, especially when brushing teeth.
  • Increased size of pockets around teeth.
  • Discharge of pus in and surrounding the treatment area.
  • Swelling.
  • Pain around the affected area.

Treatment of Peri-Implantitis

The measures taken to treat peri-implantitis largely depends on the severity of each case. With detection at the mucositis stage, reinforcement of best hygiene practises can restore the affected area to full health. If experiencing the early signs, we recommend an appointment with our dental hygienist.

If the infection increases in severity, controlling it with measures such as implant detoxification along with gum & bone grafts may be necessary. These steps can save the implant.


All of our dentists are registered with the GDC, while our treatment is all approved under BDA, GDC and UK standard guidelines. To find out more about any of the services we provide, and why we should be your first choice if you’re looking for a dentist to carry out dental implants in London, don’t hesitate to contact us today.